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Employee Simpathy - Death In The Family


[Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [First Name of receipient] [Last Name of receipient]
[Title of receipient]
[Company of receipient]
[Address of receipient]
[City of receipient], [State of recipient] [Zip Code of receipient]

Dear [Mr/Mrs/Ms/Dr] [Last Name of recipient]:

I was deeply saddened beyond words by [Name of deceased] recent death. We worked on many projects together in the last years and [he/she] was my close friend and wise mentor.

[Name of deceased] and I have shared many wonderful moments together. [He/She] was with me for my first promotion, the completion of my first big project, and the birth of my first [son/daughter]. [His/Her] memories will always and forever be with me.

I know [Name of deceased] will always be missed and remembered by members of our office as a kind friend. The next few months will be trying for all of us. If I can be of assistance during these difficult times. Please do not hesitate to call me.


[Name of sender]
[Title of sender]